$99.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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Spiritual Life University - $99/Month

Join us for the year inside of the University for just $99/mth. 

What you'll get:

  • Access to the Campus with opportunities to gain your certification in psychic mediumship or spiritual coaching (or both!)
  • An amazing community of spiritual besties there to support you, & practice with you on this incredible journey
  • FOUR live meetups including 2 psychic mediumship practice circles, guest teacher classes & More 

Want to save $189?  Pay for the year HERE. 

Don't love the University? Let us know within 7 days for a refund. 

What People Are Saying:

One of the best things that has happened in recent years is finding Coffee and Cards with Heather Danielle. Not sure who or what lead me to this group, but I am grateful they did. The club (now the university) itself is full of useful information and I am learning more each day. The members are the best part. I can be considered quite the beginner and having a lot to learn, and the members are very helpful. I am not too fond of group activities, but this group of people has me feeling quite comfortable and like being a part of a family. The experiences in the different online gatherings can get very exciting and emotional.
