$999.00 USD

Every year

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Spiritual Life University - $999/Year

Become a certified psychic medium or a spiritual life coach

What you'll get:

  • access to metaphysical classes taught my amazing experts in their field.
  • a sacred community where you can practice your abilities. 
  • 4 live meetups every month including two psychic mediumship development circles
  • & so much more!!

***LIMITED TIME: You'll also get your "Hogwarts acceptance package in the mail!  It will be full of supplies and more that you'll love as you start this incredible journey!

What People Are Saying:

The community is a fantastic, safe place to not only learn about your own abilities but to help others with theirs. Whether you're on day one of opening up to your own possibilities or an experienced connected medium, everybody benefits from each other in the group. We learn, love and all grow together. I have found my spiritual family.
