The Spiritual AF Life

The Spiritual AF Life

Hosted by: Heather Danielle

Top tips & practical steps in bringing the metaphysical world down to Earth. Get insight into the spiritual connection with Heather Danielle Psychic Medium and spiritual gifts mentor. This isn't your fluffy...

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Lauren Grace's take on Meditation, Spiritual Business & More Ep: 278

Special Guest! Lauren Grace from The Afterlight Podcast is coming to share with us some insane tips on meditation, spiritual business & More.   In this episode, Heather chats with the AMAZING Lauren Grace who...
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Get ready for this crazy week! Ep: 277

Whoa! Relationship issues, forgiveness, and more is coming up for this week.  Relationships are the focus for this week and it really feels like Spirit is trying to give us warnings so we can make better decisions...
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Book of Destiny: Revealing your past, present, and future Ep:276

The Book of Destiny: What is it? Where did it come from? And what it can tell you about your past, present, and future.   In this episode, Heather will share with you the details about the Book of Destiny cards made...
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Sword of Light Card Reading for this week! Ep: 276

Using Radleigh Valentine's Sword of Light Oracle deck for this week.  A lot about health this week.   This week is full of taking care of you, and your health!  Tune in for more details that you need to know for the...
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No energy? Feeling depleted? Here's what to do! Ep: 275

Out of energy? Or feeling like you're in a slump? Then this episode is for you!  In this episode, you will get practical and also spiritual advice to help you feel up your cup, and make the most out of the energy you...
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Jesus' Exorcisms, & Bible versus that support psychic, mediumship, & other spiritual beliefs Ep: 274

Jesus told us in the bible that we were all going to be psychic.  That dreams hold messages, and did you know that one of Jesus's main abilities was casting demons out of people? In this episode, I share with you MANY...
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Spirit messages from John Holland Ep: 273

Spirit Messages from John hollands oracle deck is bringing our guidance from the spiritual realm this week.   This week is full of different kinds of energies.  May experience some up and down in your own energy. ...
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Spiritual downloads, the religion of spiritualism, importance of metaphysical besties & More Ep:272

     What are spiritual downloads? What does ringing in the ears mean?  What is the religion of spiritualism, and what is Lilydale.  Also find out how the spiritualist do mediumship readings.  And your Spirit guides...
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Your Energy Reading for this week with Unicorn Magic Ep:271

This week's reading is brought to you by this Unicorn deck.  This week is full of possibilities, changes in finances, and taking inspired action so you can be open to receiving the amazingness that Spirit is trying to...
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The Atheist and The Afterlife Special Guest: Ray Catania Ep: 270

Ray Catania is our special guest that talks to us about how he went from skeptic to Spiritual teacher.  He shares some crazy AF stories that you don't want to miss because some are too cray cray to believe.  If you've...
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Your metaphysical Weather Forecast with the fairies Ep: 269

Diana Cooper's Messages from the Fairies is the deck we're using today to give you the insight for your highest good for this week.   Here is this week's reading. Be sure to check out each card everyday on...
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A Taboo Conversation with a Witch! Tonya Marie Baillargeon Ep: 268

In this episode I interview an amazing witch: Tonya Marie Baillargeon!  Warning: This episode can be seen as controversial because we talk about one of the taboo subjects: The Bible/Religion Vs Spirituality.   Buckle...
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