Episode 7: A chat about the woo-woo world with my former skeptic husband.

A chat with my former skeptic husband

We all seem to have one person in our lives that is skeptical over our spiritual beliefs. They may think it's silly, that psychics are a scam, or devil's work.  Even though we know we all have our own personal journey, it can be nice to get some insight on how to handle these skeptics. 

So, in this episode of The Spiritual AF Podcast, your host Heather Danielle is joined by her husband who is a former skeptic. He shares his own personal journey of waking up spiritually by Heather waking up to her gifts while they were married.  

This show will give you the inside scoop on how a man thinks about the spiritual world, and Heather's husband gives practical advice and tips to get your spouses and friends aboard your woo-woo train.

Grab your drink, and get ready for some fun during this time together.    


Episode Takeaways: