Episode 27: Past Lives & Interlife Regression

Are interlife regressions your short cut to spiritual enlightenment? 

 Join your host, Heather Danielle as she embarks on a fascinating conversation with Eda Hardy, a subconcious mind transformation expert and spiritual awakening guide.  During this episode, we are taken on a wild ride of not just past lives, but learning about interlife regressions.

Eda shares with us that interlife regressions can help us with challenges we weren't able to successfully overcome during other lifetimes.  By undergoing this kind of process, we can see what these issues are, bring them into our current life so we can finally learn from them in this current lifetime. Think of this as a spiritual hack that your future incarnations will thank you for. 


Episode Takeaways: 


Connect With Eda

 Instagram: @edahardy_masteryourfuture/

Website: https://masteryourfuture.co.uk/

E-Book: https://www.subscribepage.com/affirmations2