Is Easter a Pagan holiday or a religious one? Ep:246

FACTS you need to know about Easter. You may have heard it's a pagan holiday, but there's so much conflicting information out there. Which is correct? 

Tune in to hear WHY we celebrate Easter on the day that we do, the origins of the word Easter, and also WHY we may celebrate the things we celebrate during Easter time.  

Find this episode on Youtube here: Heather Danielle - YouTube


HOURS of research went into this podcast to bring you the most accurate information. Listed below are some sources I used in this podcast: 


As Christianity absorbed pagan spring traditions, the egg was also adapted to become the perfect representation of Jesus’ resurrection; the eggshell symbolising the tomb, whilst the cracking of it representing Jesus’ emergence; life-conquering death.

We need to realise also that there is no equivalent word for "Easter" in the Greek language, for one simple but important reason, the word is an Anglo-Saxon word for a pagan festival. The word in its original use is entirely pagan. According to the English Church historian Bede, it derives from a pagan spring festival in honour of Eastra or Ostara a Teutonic goddess. It has no associations whatsoever with Christ, His death and Resurrection, or indeed anything Christian. Is it not, therefore, unsuitable to be used to describe the greatest day in the life of the Church?

Christianity was one of the first religions to demand conversion. If you didn’t relinquish your worship of other gods, you couldn’t be saved. Jesus’ blood could cover all sins, no matter how heinous, but you had to accept his gift of salvation first, and the church demanded exclusive worship of their god, whom they considered separate and unique, in order to receive this gift.



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